Dear Parents and Carers,
We are so delighted that we are able to welcome students back into school from Monday 8th March. As you will be aware from the letters that we have sent out, we are currently finalising our plans to ensure all students are offered a COVID-19 Lateral Flow test before they return. Early next week we will be sharing all our plans in detail.
In addition to the wonderful news about students returning we have now received further information about how exam grades will be calculated this summer. Whilst I have shared initial information through letters to parents, more detailed information to parents and students will be on its way over the next few weeks.
This week it has been wonderful to sign over 200 certificates to students. It has been so pleasing to see so many students receive positive points for the work they are completing at home. Next week our remote live lessons continue from Monday through to Thursday but please remember on Friday 5th March, all lessons will be put onto class charts to download. This will enable all our staff to return to school for the day to prepare their classrooms and lessons for the return of students the following week.
The forecast this weekend certainly looks nice and sunny, let’s hope it really is!
Keep safe and well everyone,
Paul Skipp