Safeguarding at The John of Gaunt School
At The John of Gaunt School we take safeguarding students very seriously. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Helen Kerr who can be contacted via email on and via the school switch board. The Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Sarah Hill and her email is and again she can also be contacted via the school switch board. All members of the school’s pastoral team are also part of the safeguarding team from Y7 to Y13. We have a Governor who is linked to safeguarding and this is Siobhan Perry, her email is
We work with other agencies, including health, social care and counselling services to support students.
A reminder that all relevant policies relating to safeguarding, including the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE21) can be found in the polices section of the school website. All polices are reviewed regularly to ensure they are in line with current legislation and student needs.
Throughout the year we work with our students to keep them informed about how to stay safe and what to do if they are worried about themselves of someone else. Safeguarding topics are covered in PSHE, aspects of curriculum subjects and through scheduled school assemblies. If a student is worried they can talk to any adult in school or if they wish they can report what they are worried about (even if it is not safeguarding) by dropping a note in a JoG cares box in reception and the library or by using the JoG cares email button in the student section of the school website. Using the JoG cares button allows students to choose to remain anonymous if they wish.
If you would like to discuss any safeguarding concerns please do not hesitate to contact your child’s pastoral lead or Mrs Kerr or Mrs Hill.