As we come to the end of a relatively short term it amazes me how much we all do both in school hours and outside. I am truly thankful to the staff who provide so much for our students in terms of events, activities, educational and careers opportunities. I am not going to list them all as you see these highlighted every newsletter and are aware of what your child has, or children have the chance to experience or participate in. This is highlighted by the Barcelona Netball trip and the Yr11 & 13 revision sessions that are being run this break. Staff who work so hard during term time going the extra mile and taking their holiday time to give even more for our students. I know I can say on behalf of myself, governors and our families we appreciate this.
The weather is going to be fine, at least for the first part of the break, and so I hope all our students recuperate ready for next term. However, I know that this will not be so much of the case for our students sitting their exams. They have completed a significant number of these exams now, but they must keep the momentum going and not slack off. The students know they have our support and should continue to seek it when they need it.
Normality, routine and high expectations of work and behaviour is essential from all students. Whether our young adults are in Yr7 or sitting exams in Yr11 we expect full uniform, prompt attendance to school and real focus in their lessons. This is what makes JoG such an effective and pleasant school to be in. We expect parents/carers to support us with this by upholding and demonstrating these traits as well. Together we are a strong and positive community. I love nothing better than walking around the school every day saying hello to all students and visitors who respond in the same manner. Quite frankly it is lovely walking around the school and seeing everyone so happy being courteous, polite and friendly. JoG is great!
Can I ask that as we move to the last part of this academic year, stationery may be running out? Please can you ensure your child is fully prepared with the correct equipment for the start of next term. If you need financial support with this, please do contact your child's year team, and we'll do what we can.
Free School Meals vouchers will be sent out by the end of this week.
Please note that now we have joined Equa and have new systems, all those entitled to free school meals will be sent a voucher (we will not be making any payments).
Parking on Pitman Avenue
It has been brought to the school's attention that a number of cars park outside the school gates in Pitman Avenue with their engines running. With the warmer weather conditions residents have windows open, and fumes are going straight into their houses.
If you need to park in Pitman Avenue can we please ask that you switch off your engines
The Meredith Callaghan MFL 6th form Study Room
This week we unveiled the new sign renaming our Modern Languages 6th form study room in honour of Ms Callaghan. She loved teaching A level Spanish, and so we decided that it would be fitting to dedicate their study space to her. Alongside her colleagues, our current year 12 and 13 A level Spanish students attended the unveiling ceremony, and Shannon revealed the new sign.
Shannon unveiling the sign
Our year 13 A level Spanish students
The Odyssey – The Four Winds
Two of our fantastic students, Poppy Perry (Year 9) and Charlie Ashton (Year 7) were part of a 33 strong community company who performed a bold 21st century reimagining of Homer’s Odyssey at Trowbridge Town Hall. The production was in collaboration with the National Theatre (Public Acts) and it was a multi-location nationwide production of The Odyssey produced in partnership with local communities, theatres and artists in Sunderland, Doncaster, Stoke and Trowbridge. Each of the towns were given a section of Homer’s Odyssey to interpret into a modern story, informed and performed by local residents, working alongside playwright, Florence Espeut-Nickless and award-winning theatre director, Jesse Jones.
The community producer of the production shared with us how these students worked with the company with openness, generosity and courage and that their hard work and commitment was professional at all times, and they were, and continue to be valued members of the Odyssey Company.
All 5 episodes were filmed and will be available on National Theatre film platforms later in the year.
Well done to you both!
Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition
Over the weekend Bronze and Silver DofE participants took part in their practice expedition.
They started from Westbury White horse and made their way down the hill on various routes to different check points whilst on their way to their camp site.
Arriving at the site in daylight and with tents pitched, they all managed to cook a hearty hot meal over their stoves and had the evening to enjoy the area.
The second day the groups encountered several fields of curious cows and horses. They were able to quickly reroute successfully and make their way to the final check point.
Well done all
Year 8 end of term celebration assembly
On Thursday this week we had the pleasure of celebrating with our Year 8 students - but with a twist!
We asked our tutor groups to each nominate something or someone to celebrate or something they are thankful for.
We also had some lovely 'shout-outs' from staff members about individual students, classes or things they wanted to celebrate or say thank you for.
Below are some of the things which we celebrated in our assembly ...
The school community
The school PE department
The coronation of our new King Charles
Our JOG sports fixtures
Celebrities who raise awareness of mental health issues
Mr Rhodes as our new Head Teacher
We really enjoyed this term's assembly. We look forward to celebrating with our students in our final assembly next term.
The Year 8 Team
The fox cubs have been on the move!
They have left the top woods and have now set up camp below one of the buildings!
They are not shy and have often been seen skipping around the site enjoying the sunshine during lesson time!
The year 9 team want to recognise the amazing achievements of many of our cohort and to that end we have recently conducted a short survey.
This has revealed some incredibly talented and ambitious students.
I would like on this occasion to mention in particular Poppy Perry for her participation in a recent drama production, Hannah Hickey, who has just completed a 45-minute flight and also Dawid Wisinewski, who had his very first flight both with Air Cadets.
Additionally, I would like to say thanks to the students who have participated in the school council, Brilliant Club and Mighty girls' group. You are fantastic ambassadors for the school.
We appear to have a very talented year group and will be sharing further success in future newsletters.
A very proud Year 9 team.
Boys Rounders
On Wednesday some of our year 9 & 10 boys represented the school in our first boys rounders fixture of the term. Despite a slow start the boys came back into the game in the second innings with some big hitting and excellent fielding but narrowly lost out to a well drilled Kingdown team. Well done to all the boys involved.
Player of the match goes to James for his excellent batting performance!
Mr Walker
STEM club have had an incredibly busy year taking part in activities based on magic and wizardry, augmentation of the human body and space.
Students this term have been creating their own robots using conventional electronic components such as batteries and vibrating motors, with less conventional components including toothbrush heads! We created and designed our own characters to attach to our circuit to make a mini robot, and wow, our students have lots of creativity! We then got to battle our robots in our very own arena, and it did not disappoint! Unfortunately for Mr White and Miss Farthing, the students proved triumphant in our battle of robots with both teachers taking the bottom two places. Better luck next time teachers!
Toothbrush bots!
Our winner was in a close battle with second place, with a sudden death round meaning Naomi and her robot Bob, won the STEM club's very first toothbrush robot war! Congratulations to all the students involved as this was a great event for our students!
Want to join in? We run STEM club every Tuesday 3-4 pm in H5, and we are running a Women in STEM club for any students that identify as female in H5 on Thursday's 3-4pm from the start of Term 6.
Students on An Inspector Calls theatre trip receive praise
Last week, we were delighted to take 145 year 9 & 10 students and 16 teachers to see An Inspector Calls at the stunning Theatre Royal in Bath. It is a morality play on how we ought to treat others, and it is one of the texts we study at the start of the GCSE English Literature course. Therefore, the trip was excellent revision for year 10s, and it gave a magnificent insight for year 9s for this September. The students were particularly impressed with the breathtaking set that focused on the Birling family’s grand home opening up like an enormous dolls house for us to examine the morals of characters inside. Mini explosions went off to represent the onset of war and rain actually poured down to capture the mood.
On the night, members of the audience and theatre commented on how well-mannered our pupils were. In addition, a member of the public called the school. Here is the message relayed from our reception team:
“I have just had a member of the public call to say how impressed she was with the behaviour of our students last night at An Inspector Calls. She was sat with her son amongst our students and said they were attentive, interested and a pleasure to be sat by.”
Well done students – you did yourselves proud! We hope it was a night to remember.
Mrs Eagle, Trip Organiser
As exam season is upon us, we are very aware of the impact on students' mental health. We wanted to provide you with a few links which may help students on the days, when they are maybe struggling.
1: STEM 4 - this is an app-based programme that is free to download and is tailored to individual needs. Available @
From their main site, you can research the appropriate programme to support your child.
2: The Shaw Trust - Be a Star of your emotions. See attached poster.
Take a breath
3: Thrive - A selection of breathing techniques to use to aid sleep, revision and in the exam hall. See the link to PDF cards on breathing techniques and select as appropriate.
We wish every student success in their forth coming A-levels and GCSE exams.
The JOG pastoral teams.
Co-creation Workshop
We are looking for young people aged between 16 - 25 and living with Type 1 Diabetes to help improve diabetes services for young people.
Are you, or do you know someone who is, aged between 16 - 25 and living with Type 1 Diabetes?
We would like to invite anyone aged between 16 - 25 and living with Type 1 Diabetes to come to our workshop to meet others who know what it really feels like to live with diabetes and enjoy two hours of creative activities and group discussions.
If you are interested in getting involved, please complete the questionnaire below and tell us how, when and where you would prefer to get involved by Monday 5th June. Thank you.
To sign up scan the QR code or follow the link below: