New Build at The John of Gaunt School

It is with great pleasure that we are announcing the commencement of a £1.8 million building program, starting after the February break at The John of Gaunt School.
Over the last year and a half, we have been proud to work in partnership with Wiltshire Local Authority developing our newly established Specialist Resource Base Provision for young people with Communication and Interaction Needs. The Resource Base, coupled with our rising numbers in the mainstream school, has meant there has been a need to increase the number of classrooms in the school. Our exciting new facility will house four specialist Computing suites and eight new mathematics classrooms, all fully equipped with the latest ICT infrastructure that will enhance the quality learning experience our students already receive.
The new structure will replace our old ‘Tynings’ building and two ‘Gloucester’ Computing suites. In addition, we will also be upgrading the netball courts as well as other outdoor spaces. All this, in turn, will allow us to complete the relocation of our pastoral team into the heart of the school, thus ensuring that student support and pastoral care remains an integral part of provision.
The aim is for classes to move into the new facilities by this September, but there is a possibility this could be sooner with a fair wind! Over time, we will also need to name the new building, so I have tasked the Student Leadership team to present some potential names based on student and staff voice. We will provide updates regularly on this fantastic project, so look out for our posts on our website, Facebook and Instagram sites!
As you will see from our images on our website and social media platforms, the preparation phase has begun today with the site team positioning their temporary facilities. This means we have a reduced capacity in our car park whilst the build is progressing, and so we will need families to arrange the pick-up and drop off of their children at a location away from the school site and main gates.
Please do keep an eye out for regular posts keeping you up to date with this project.
Exciting times at JoG!