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  • JOG Festive Food Parcel Appeal

    Published 05/12/23

    We are pleased to launch the ‘JOG Festive Food Parcel’ appeal. We have been working with Storehouse – the Trowbridge foodbank – to create a special food parcel shopping list. It contains essential items along with some nice-to-haves. Across the school, tutor groups will build the same food parcel through the generous support of our families. In total, each parcel would cost around £22.00. Once delivered at the end of term, we hope a large number of JOG Festive Food Parcels can be handed directly to people who visit the foodbank over the Christmas period.

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  • Affordable Schools Parental Survey

    Published 29/11/23

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    At The John of Gaunt School we want to make sure that all children are able to make the most of the school day and that no child misses out on anything. Your answers to this survey will help us understand whether school costs are causing any concerns for our families and children and see whether there is anything that we can do to help out.

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  • School Admissions Consultation 2025-26

    Published 27/11/23

    Wiltshire Council is consulting on the proposed admissions criteria and admission arrangements for its Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools for the 2025/26 academic year. It is also consulting on the proposed schemes for co-ordination of admissions to all maintained schools and academies for the 2025/26 academic year.

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  • KS3 Art Competition

    Published 21/11/23

    Create a front cover for the Christmas Carol Service programme.

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  • Child-on-Child abuse

    Published 16/11/23

    Tips for parents and carers about how to prevent child-on-child abuse from happening and what to do if it does.

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  • Op Sceptre

    Published 16/11/23

    The Wiltshire Police Youth and Early Intervention Team works with schools, colleges and partners to share messages and educate young people. The aim is to keep young people in our community safe from harm and exploitation, whilst educating them about where they can go for support.

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  • Oral health for Students

    Published 14/11/23

    As you may be aware, dentistry is still going through a crisis in the UK and as oral health is extremely important, especially for children, we are offering everyone under 18 a chance to be seen by an NHS dentist. To improve access to NHS Dental services, we have recruited a Dental Therapist who can see patients for a Dental examination under the Direct Access Law. They are registered and skilled Dental Professionals who support Dentists, just like senior nurses and paramedics do in GP practices.

    Dental Therapists are excellent at treating children!

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  • Anti-Bullying Week 2023

    Published 14/11/23

    This week is national Anti-Bullying week. As a school, we are committed to ensuring children feel safe and, should they experience bullying behaviour, they have a trusted adult they can speak to in school. We have recently been awarded the Anti-bullying alliance Silver award and hope to gain the Gold award soon.

    If you or your child have any worries, they can speak with their tutor, a member of the year team or any member of staff wearing a purple lanyard who is part of the expert team working to safeguard our students.

    All students have had an assembly this week about how to stay safe, stand up and speak out.

    Please see the poster attached for tips on how to keep your child safe online and combat online bullying which may happen out of school hours.

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  • Truly, Devious by Maureen Johnson

    Published 06/11/23

    Ellingham Academy is a famous private school in Vermont for the brightest thinkers, inventors, and artists. It was founded by Albert Ellingham, an early twentieth century tycoon, who wanted to make a wonderful place full of riddles, twisting pathways, and gardens. “A place,” he said, “where learning is a game.”

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  • Attendance Matters

    Published 06/10/23

    We value each and every student and know that the best place for them to access skills and knowledge is in school, in the lessons, and pastoral sessions designed for them. This is why we have decided to introduce an appendix to the behaviour and attendance policy to ensure learners are building positive behaviour and ready for the wider world. This appendix will become active on our return from the October half-term on the 31st October 2023 and is applicable for all Key Stages.

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  • Black History Month 2023 – ‘Saluting Our Sisters’

    Published 03/10/23

    Professor Dame Elizabeth Nneku Anionwu CBE (b. 1947)

    Black History Month is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British Society. The focus in 2023 is ‘Saluting Our Sisters’.

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  • Virtual Reality Headsets

    Published 19/09/23

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We would like to introduce to you a new regular feature of our newsletters looking at the use of technology and how we can work together to keep our children safe.

    The world our children inhabit is exciting and full of opportunities especially where technology is concerned, sadly alongside this comes increased and new opportunities for them to be at risk.

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