Exam Results & Performance Tables
Headline Results for 2023
Key Stage 4 Examination Results
- Our school's progress 8 score = -0.24
- Our school's attainment 8 score = 41.47
- The % of students who achieved a grade 4 or above in English and maths = 60%
- The % of students who achieved a grade 5 or above in English and maths = 34%
- The % of students entered for the English Baccalaureate = 30%
- The % of students who achieved the English Baccalaureate (grade 4 or above) = 19%
- The % of students who achieved the English Baccalaureate (grade 5 or above) = 10%
- The English Baccalaureate average point score = 3.58
Headline Results for 2019 (189 on roll)
Key Stage 4 Examination Results
- Our school’s progress 8 score = -0.04 in line with the national
- Our school’s attainment 8 score = 42.89
- The % of students who achieved a grade 4 or above in English and maths = 59%
- The % of students who achieved a grade 5 or above in English and maths = 32%
- The % of students entered for the English Baccalaureate = 29%
- The % of students who achieved the English Baccalaureate (grade 4 or above) = 17%
- The % of students who achieved the English Baccalaureate (grade 5 or above) = 11%
- The English Baccalaureate average point score = 3.69
Headline Results for 2023
Key Stage 5 Examination Results
- 98% of our entries achieved grades A*-E
- 45% of our entries achieved grades A*-B
- 18% of our entries achieved grades A*-A
- 64.3% of our students achieved grades A*-C
- 100% of students achieved 1 or more A level at A*-E
- 82% of our students achieved 2 or more A-levels at A*-E
- 64% of our students achieved 3 or more A-levels at A*-E
- The average point score per pupil was 104.35
- The average grade per entry was a C+
Headline Results for 2019
Key Stage 5 Examination Results
- 97% of our entries achieved grades A*-E
- 38% of our entries achieved grades A*-B
- 20% of our entries achieved grades A*-A
- 62% of our entries achieved grades A*-C
- 100% of students achieved 1 or more A level at A*-E
- 95% of our students achieved 2 or more A-levels at A*-E
- 82% of our students achieved 3 or more A-levels at A*-E
- The average point score per pupil was 94.41
- The average grade per entry was a C