KS3 Curriculum
Design and Technology in our school will equip students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to solve real world problems through a range of contexts and using a variety of materials and software. Our curriculum will encourage students to design and create. Their experiences will enable them to make informed decisions regarding their future learning and career pathways, whilst developing vital life skills.
The Year 7 curriculum has been designed to develop innovative thinking and practical skills within both Design & Technology and Food & Nutrition.
The year is split into 2 distinct halves for Design & Technology
- Modelling and design skills (Card modelling)
- Making and design skills (Bookend project)
Food and nutrition students cover 2 main elements:
- Basic practical skills and developing confidence and independence, introducing the concepts of food and science and the greater World around us.
- The principles of Food safety and personal hygiene.
Design and Technology have two main projects; 1 focusing on graphic communication skills and design, the other project on practical skills.
The Year 8 Curriculum has been designed to look at innovative thinking and is again taught through Design & Technology and Food & Nutrition
Design & Technology is taught through the topic looking at Mood Lighting and developing technologies within the world around us.
Food & Nutrition students again cover 2 main elements –
- Developing more complex practical skills, being innovative and exploring alternative ingredients and recipes. Making independent links between ingredients and science.
- Developing knowledge and understanding of Food & Nutrition, the importance of a balanced diet and diet related diseases, whilst embedding and putting into practice the work completed during year 7.
The Year 9 curriculum has been designed to look at innovative thinking and is again taught through Design & Technology and Food & Nutrition.
Design & Technology is taught through the topic looking at solving storage solutions for specific clients and problems. The students will also develop an understanding of technical problem-solving using topic such as Structures and Biomimicry.
Food & Nutrition where the students will aim to work much more independently thinking about the world around us.
- The practical work will focus on key areas such as – food provenance, seasonality and waste, whilst embedding the scientific principles of ingredients and food.
- Theory work is based around the concepts of Food Commodities, where food comes from, the greater world around us, whilst reflecting upon the work previously completed during the earlier years.
KS4 Curriculum
Course content
This course is ideally suited to students who enjoy and are inspired by the possibilities of designing and developing products that can solve real world problems. Through mini-projects you will learn new skills in problem-solving and designing. You will then have the opportunity to realise and develop your ideas using different manufacturing techniques through computer design and practical hands on making.
Design Technology is a subject area, which requires the application of knowledge and understanding evaluating and developing ideas through planning and manufacturing products. You will learn about iconic designers and products, by investigate what made them so successful.
You will explore a range of materials including modern ‘smart materials’ and how they can be manipulated to manufacture novel and successful products.
- Examine design processes and the implications for manufacture
- Test your own creativity.
- Study environmental implications of working with these materials
- Thinking about how products can be manufactured in the ‘real-world’ using modern computer-aided-manufacture techniques.
How is this course assessed?
- Unit 1: 2-hour theory written exam worth 50% of GCSE
- Unit 2: Design and Make project, worth 50% of GCSE undertaken over approximately 45 hours of classroom time.
Course content
Engineering Level 1 / 2 Awards provides a more practical alternative to GCSE 3D Design. The qualification is based around the world of engineering and aims to introduce students to the various strands available within the field. The qualification offers students the chance to develop knowledge, skills and understanding through tasks set in a realistic work related context.
The course is designed around the concept of a ‘plan, do, review’ approach to learning. This mirrors work-related activities in the engineering industry and allows learning to take place in a range of contexts. This approach also enables learners to apply and extend their learning.
How is this course assessed?
The qualification consists of three mandatory units.
1, Engineering Design:- looking at an existing problem within engineering and then redesign a new solution to a problem. This is set as a piece of controlled assessment.
2, Producing Engineering Products:- this is set as a piece of practical controlled assessment focused on make an engineered product.
3, Solving engineering Problems:- Written paper examination based on engineering practices learned through solving the two controlled assessments.
What skills and interests do I need?
This course is perfect for creative thinkers who also have good practical skills and enjoy Design and making. The course requires excellent planning skills, problem-solving and perseverance. Drawing and computer skills will help you to present your ideas clearly.
Will there be any specific equipment I will need or trips/visits I will need to attend?
All the usual equipment for school, including an A3 folder to store work when taking it home.
What course and career pathways will there be with this qualification?
Engineering is relevant to all design related careers including Product Design, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, architecture, Construction, and any technical engineering based subject or career.
Do I need to study this course at GCSE to study it at Post 16? No
Food Preparation & Nutrition
Please click Intent Statement below:
KS3 Food and Nutrition Intent Statement
Course content
The subject covers the following topics:
- Food, nutrition and health
- Food science.
- Food safety.
- Food choice
- Food provenance
How is this course assessed?
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes equivalent to 50% of the GCSE
Task 1: Food investigation
Understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this NEA task.
Task 2: Food preparation assessment
Students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.