Admissions and Transition
The John of Gaunt School takes students from across Trowbridge plus the surrounding towns and villages. It is typical for us to have 25+ feeder primary schools in any year group.
School Tours & Open Events:
Parents of Year 5 & 6, and those looking to transfer in other year groups, are encouraged to book a personal tour of the school to see us in action on a typical school day. Please contact Wingfield reception on 01225 762637 to book a convenient time.
The John of Gaunt School has a long-standing and well-developed relationship with our feeder primary schools. We have a substantive programme of primary school visits planned throughout each year aimed at ensuring all students are supported when preparing to be secondary school ready. Your Year 6 teachers will identify pupils to have additional visits through our enhanced transition programme.
All primary schools in Trowbridge will bring their Year 5 pupils to visit us for a day in Term 5 and many pupils will visit our site to take part in the variety of primary school events we offer. We also work with Active Trowbridge to provide a summer school package that allows pupils to get to know our site much better as well as make friends from different schools. This is a fun-packed week which is completely free and starts to build positive relationships with peers and our school.
Once we know which Year 6 pupils will be joining us, members of our Senior Leadership Team, Year Team and Individual Learning Department will visit the pupils in their primary schools. Year 6 pupils will all attend our induction day in July. On this day you will find out what house and tutor group you are in. You will meet your peers and tutor. There will be lots of activities planned for you to get to know one another and our school. We prioritise collecting as much information as possible about each student from primary schools, both academic and pastoral, in order to support their transition and accelerate their progress on joining us.
There are so many wonderful opportunities here at JOG that we would love for you to be a part of from Year 7 all the way through to 6th Form. Alongside this, a fantastic bunch of specialist teachers who are excited for you to learn in their classrooms!
Admission Arrangements for Year 7 September 2025:
For entry into Year 7, parents must complete Wiltshire Council’s secondary school admissions form, in hard copy or electronically, by 31st October 2024. Details can be found at School admissions
Please contact the Admissions Team at County Hall on 01225 713000 for further details about how to apply.
Due to increasing numbers applying for school places, we strongly recommend that parents make The John of Gaunt School their “first preference” and apply on time to secure a place.
Please refer to the school’s Admission Policy for criteria applied in the event of over-subscription.
For entry into all other year groups, including Year 7 at a point other than the start of September, parents will need to complete the Wiltshire Council ‘In Year Transfer Form’, which can be downloaded here Sch-in-year-transfer.pdf
Completed forms must be returned to Wiltshire Council at the address above.
We advise parents to contact the school to discuss your application and book a tour before completing the form.
To appeal an admissions decision, please see the following information.
New Student Information Pack
The following documents are required for all new students. Paper copies are available via Wingfield reception.