01. Careers Education & PSHE
The Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance provision (CEIAG) at John of Gaunt School aims to support students in making informed choices about their next stage of education, employment and training. Students should leave school with the necessary skills, knowledge and self-awareness needed to prepare them for all opportunities outside of school, so they can transition successfully with long-lasting career management skills.
Our careers related learning programme for years 7-13 is delivered through a range of activities including:
- Timetabled careers lesson within fortnightly PSHE/PEC
- Visits to Further Education and Higher Education Institutions
- Work Experience placements in Years 10 and Year 12 Yr10 Work Experience Booklet & Yr12 Work Experience booklet
- Annual Careers Fair
- Employer talks during assemblies and subject specific lessons
- Careers related learning sessions through whole school activities days and external trips
- Apprenticeship information and advice sessions
- Access to employer taster events such as the MOD/NHS
- Involvement from Alumni where possible
Please click on the following link for more details on our careers and PSHE programme.