Further Maths
AS Further Mathematics: This consists of one compulsory module, Core Pure 1, and content from two optional units. The optional courses that we deliver are Further 1 and Decision 1.
A-Level Further Mathematics: This consists of two compulsory modules, Core Pure 1 (studied in Year 12) and Core Pure 2, and a continuation of Further Pure Mathematics 1 and Decision 1, the optional units.
This course is ideal for anyone interested in studying maths, engineering, medicine, physics, computing and other maths related courses at university.
Special Features:
In addition to those referred to under A-Level Mathematics, there are additional video conferencing opportunities.
Entry requirements:
Please refer to The John of Gaunt Sixth Form entry requirements.
You need to complete one year for the AS Level and two years for the A-Level. You must also be studying maths alongside further maths.
AS Further Maths: There are two exams, sat in the summer of year 12. The Core Pure 1 exam has double weighting as compared to the optional paper, which consists of both content from both Further Pure 1 and Decision 1.
A-Level Further Maths: There are four exams, sat in the summer of year 13. Core Pure 1 and Core Pure 2, which are each worth a third of the course. The two optional units are examined separately, have equal weighting and contribute the final third of the marks. The AS grade does not count towards the A-Level grade.
Moving on:
If you wish to continue with a mathematical related subject at university, this course will give you a real advantage. Anything from a Maths degree to Mechanical Engineering and Accountancy, you will be able to face the mathematical challenge involved.